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Hlásenia hry Canvas
#102723: "Do not autofill when the player has 5 cards and MUST complete a painting"
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Didn't happen at this table but I had to put in a table #...
When you have 5 cards and your turn comes up, it says you must complete a painting <confirm>. So you click confirm to say "Ok, yeah, I'll complete a painting"... and that's it. Your turn is over. Then you find out that it autofilled 3 cards for you and you weren't confirming that you had to complete a painting (like it said); you were confirming that you wanted to use those 3 cards that you didn't even look at. No big deal I guess but kinda frustrating and I don't see any reason for it to automatically choose 3. It's happened to me a couple of times and I've had other players mention it too. Great implementation, thank you!• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v118
História hlásenia
30 okt 2023 23:03 •
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