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Hlásenia hry Automobiles
#117943: "Reveal the contents of all bags to all players at the end of the game"
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• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
Currently, when a game ends, BGA shows me "My Cubes" - in other words, all the cubes that I owned at that moment. But as far as I can tell, there is no way to see this same thing for players other than myself.
I think it would be great if BGA revealed all cubes, for all players, to all players. Then everyone could compare the choices that they made vs. the choices that their opponents made. It would be interesting to be able to ask, "What was the winning combination?"• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v122
História hlásenia
19 mar 2024 4:47 •
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