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Hlásenia hry Pixies
#118704: "End of round scoring for largest area appears to be calculated incorrectly."
infoneeded: Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému
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• Ktorá časť pravidiel nebola dodržaná v BGA adaptácii?
Based on reviewing the end of round scoring for this and my other tables of Pixies, it appears that points for largest adjacent area is only credited to the player with the largest area in the overall rather then each individual players largest area.
The rules summary linked on the game page strongly implies, and the full rule book [ studiobombyx.com/assets/PIXIES_rulebook_EN.pdf ] explicitly states that in the scoring phase, each player will score for their largest area. Based on the rules, every player should be scoring some value for the largest area portion on their scores every round.
I can't read the other submissions in French so apologies if this is a duplicate.• Je možné vidieť porušenie pravidiel na zázname z hry? Ak áno, aké je číslo ťahu?
The scores are miscalculated at the end of each of the three game rounds.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v123
História hlásenia
underdog1890 • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
25 mar 2024 23:46 • The score was miscalculated for 2, 3 and 4-player games I've played.
thoun • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
26 mar 2024 10:11 • Do you have a clear example of miscalculation?
For me it count correctly for each player, as you say.
For me it count correctly for each player, as you say.
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