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Hlásenia hry The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow
#12697: "Game events and player's chat should be separated"
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Hello BGA dev. team,
During our game people were very chatty and it was a mess with the game events in-between the player's discussions.
We figured out it would be better to have game events in a separate chat.
Solution 1 : Displays player's chat in a window and game event in another like in the current system where we have different chat windows for our different tables.
Solution 2 : Make the table discussion window a bit higher than currently and display the two chats inside the same window (50% of the chat window's height for each subchat).
Thank you all for your support,
AmzNick• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Mozilla v5
História hlásenia
7 jún 2019 23:41 •
dayholly86 • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
16 jún 2020 2:03 • I agree it's an issue. Most games, events are in a column to the right, and chat is separate. We also don't need chat to announce when a player votes or is ready to vote. The lack of the hourglass is sufficient.
Alius1 • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
26 jún 2020 3:33 • perfect idea. the question is, how to design the UI. At least the desktop version should be done easily
aghagh • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
26 jún 2020 9:46 • I don't agree with this suggestion to separate game events and player chat.
Often in a game you have to go back to read the chat (usually when a player is eliminated and their identity revealed, but not only) and it may be important to see what was going on in the game when a player said something. This game is a timing game in many ways and context is crucial, so being able to track *when* things take place is important. So tracking who voted first, fast, etc. can provide useful information.
I think the developers probably had this in mind whey they implemented the game with a chat system that differs from the regular one found in other games.
Often in a game you have to go back to read the chat (usually when a player is eliminated and their identity revealed, but not only) and it may be important to see what was going on in the game when a player said something. This game is a timing game in many ways and context is crucial, so being able to track *when* things take place is important. So tracking who voted first, fast, etc. can provide useful information.
I think the developers probably had this in mind whey they implemented the game with a chat system that differs from the regular one found in other games.
Jeb_101 • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
17 júl 2020 15:59 • yes, I do not want it to seem like someone said a game event
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