Všetky hlásenia
Hlásenia hry Gnome Hollow
#130525: "Table Viewing Option "
acknowledged: Vývojári súhlasia, že je to dobrý nápad a zamýšľajú na ňom pracovať
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Podrobný popis
• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
The playing area board itself and the tiles (along with everything else) are next to each other making everything look really small… If there were an option to have one above the other, it would be easier to see things… If you use the +/- key to make the board larger it slides underneath the tile area and you can’t see where anything is…• Aký prehliadač používaš?
História hlásenia
14 júl 2024 18:58 •
16 júl 2024 9:08 •
majdi7 • Vývojári súhlasia, že je to dobrý nápad a zamýšľajú na ňom pracovať:
10 aug 2024 0:46 • Developers
At table boardgamearena.com/10/gnomehollow?table=547923874
Viewed from computer
Viewed from Mobile
My suggestion would be to move the "scalable" zoom in area to take more screen real estate And make the player boards toggable. See Planet Unknown or Feast for Odin as an Example. Distilled also did a good layout. The game is hard to see on both computer and mobile.
Also consider looking at games like bandido and fairy trails for how they dealt with the scroll-ability. Nova Luna/ Sagani may also give you another option for screen real estate lay out. Take a look at those games and see if that helps.
At table boardgamearena.com/10/gnomehollow?table=547923874
Viewed from computer
Viewed from Mobile
My suggestion would be to move the "scalable" zoom in area to take more screen real estate And make the player boards toggable. See Planet Unknown or Feast for Odin as an Example. Distilled also did a good layout. The game is hard to see on both computer and mobile.
Also consider looking at games like bandido and fairy trails for how they dealt with the scroll-ability. Nova Luna/ Sagani may also give you another option for screen real estate lay out. Take a look at those games and see if that helps.
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- Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.