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#134951: "I satisfied a public goal but didn't get credit for it"
infoneeded: Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému
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Pravidlá: herné pravidlo nebolo dodržané
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• Ktorá časť pravidiel nebola dodržaná v BGA adaptácii?
I completed the goal of having 1 cube on at least 9 flora (when i click on progress it shows me having a check mark for completing it) but i haven't been given credit for it and my leaf hasn't been put there to show I've finished it.• Je možné vidieť porušenie pravidiel na zázname z hry? Ak áno, aké je číslo ťahu?
196• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v127
História hlásenia
22 aug 2024 1:36 •
bennygui • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
22 aug 2024 1:40 • Did you put it on the plant you just planted? It has not been revealed yet, can you update when the planted plants will be revealed?
JaneS4 • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
1 sep 2024 17:00 • I had 2 sets of 5 on different cards (red, blue, yellow, terrain, event) and did not get credit as completing the objective. I had 2 yellow, 2 blue, 1 red, 1 terrain (brown ability), my island (brown ability) as my second terrain, and 1 red/yellow split ability that was my second red. I had played 2 events and planted the red thinking that was completing my second set.
bennygui • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
1 sep 2024 17:05 • @JaneS4: Terrain and brown abilities are not the same, Island is not a Terrain so it's not a bug
spaceweasels • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
18 dec 2024 17:31 • I finished the goal of 3+ flora with colors in their name:
Orange nasturtium
Black raspberries
Purple butterfly bush
but did not get credit for completing the goal
Orange nasturtium
Black raspberries
Purple butterfly bush
but did not get credit for completing the goal
bennygui • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
18 dec 2024 18:55 • @spaceweasels: Please open a new bug report with your table for new bugs
Renan112 • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
7 feb 2025 20:50 • It dont give me point for the multicolor objetive
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