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#13845: "CSS ID for game being played to allow CSS to be applied only to a specific game?"
implemented: Tento podnet bol realizovaný
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I have created some CSS modifications to transform Koi-Koi into a more traditional style.
boardgamearena.com/forum/viewto ... 986#p50986
I would like my CSS to apply only to the Koi-Koi game page, but I cannot find an ID that says what game is being played?
It would be great if a CSS ID containing the name of the game being played could be added to one of the top level elements of the page.
This would allow CSS to be applied only to a specific game.
Thanks for your consideration.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Safari v13
História hlásenia
6 nov 2019 16:18 •
pjt33 • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
9 máj 2020 11:33 • Some specific games (e.g. Can't Stop) do add a useful ID around their main game area, but the advantages to having a game-identifying id or class higher up the tree are twofold: firstly, it doesn't depend on developers adding the identifier individually to each game; and secondly, it allows per-game customisation of the "player board" areas.
apocalyptech • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
20 mar 2021 4:52 • Yeah, just adding my own "me too" in here! I just added a couple of things to Marrakech's "carpet" class, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if some other game on here also has a "carpet" class, which I'd love to not touch.
Paul_Chelsfield • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
14 aug 2021 18:31 • This would take almost nothing in terms of programming effort from the tech team (add a class, id or data attribute to any element, e.g. html, body, top level div) and would make it possible for custom CSS to target individual games to allow users to improve their own experiences should they wish to. Soooo many games have minor graphics quirks that I'd love to improve for myself.
Een • Tento podnet bol realizovaný:
1 sep 2021 16:52 • Thanks for this suggestion. Since the latest release, there is now a "bgagame-<gamename>" class set on a high level element wrapping the game area.
Note for experts: your improvement fixes would reach more players if contributed as new game versions via studio.boardgamearena.com rather than a custom css ;)
Note for experts: your improvement fixes would reach more players if contributed as new game versions via studio.boardgamearena.com rather than a custom css ;)
pjt33 • Tento podnet bol realizovaný:
1 sep 2021 20:46 • Een, thank you.
I'm not sure it's worth forking games to fix some of the things I fix in CSS (e.g. boardgamearena.com/bug?id=19941 - it should be a very quick fix for someone who already knows the code base, but I'm not going to spend hours learning the code base when I can work around the bug with one line of custom CSS); and some of my other custom CSS improvements replace official graphics with unofficial ones which are much clearer but which wouldn't be acceptable in the official version; or replace tiny webp images with large SVG ones which probably also violate some developer guideline on asset size.
I'm not sure it's worth forking games to fix some of the things I fix in CSS (e.g. boardgamearena.com/bug?id=19941 - it should be a very quick fix for someone who already knows the code base, but I'm not going to spend hours learning the code base when I can work around the bug with one line of custom CSS); and some of my other custom CSS improvements replace official graphics with unofficial ones which are much clearer but which wouldn't be acceptable in the official version; or replace tiny webp images with large SVG ones which probably also violate some developer guideline on asset size.
apocalyptech • Tento podnet bol realizovaný:
4 sep 2021 21:53 • Indeed, thank you! I'll certainly keep that Studio area in mind if I've got anything which would be of general interest/usefulness. Cheers!
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