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Hlásenia hry The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow
#13858: "If all players abstain, no votes should be cast"
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• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
Currently, abstaining automatically votes for the player to your right. In situations where lovers are seated next to each other but everyone agrees to abstain, the player to the right of the lover couple is immediately eliminated, casting suspicion on the left-most lover (as they are unable to vote for their lover to their right, the vote is passed on). If everyone abstains, the game should just progress forward without forcing a vote. If at least one person doesn't abstain, a simple message stating "Someone didn't abstain" or something should appear and force another vote.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v78
História hlásenia
9 nov 2019 13:54 •
psychomike • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
6 dec 2019 1:27 • Disagree completely. This is why a good cupid will never choose players next to each other.
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