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Hlásenia hry 51st State
#142482: "Please create a box on the action spaces on the left showing that they have been used"
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• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
In the physical game, items put on a card (or action space) have a 3d shape. This creates an obvious ability to see that this object has been used. However, in this 2D environment, sometimes the oil can will fade into the background on that board.
Can you create 4 different action spaces that show each of the 3 'standard' abilities + the one faction specific one?• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Mozilla v5
História hlásenia
17 okt 2024 22:09 •
KuWizard • Vývojári by radi mali viac informácií k tomuto podnetu:
17 okt 2024 22:27 • 1. I really don't want to split one action space which sends you to a state where you choose a specific action into 3 tiny ones. Why? Because mobile users will never properly hit those tiny rectangles which would be there.
Instead I absolutely can highlight a space under placed resources even more (I can agree resources are not 100% visible on every faction)
2. What do you mean by a "faction specific action"? There's no faction specific actions. All factions change 2 workers to a main Resource, is that what you mean?
Instead I absolutely can highlight a space under placed resources even more (I can agree resources are not 100% visible on every faction)
2. What do you mean by a "faction specific action"? There's no faction specific actions. All factions change 2 workers to a main Resource, is that what you mean?
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