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Hlásenia hry Gnome Hollow
#146460: "When selling mushrooms, wording needs to be updated to PASS"
implemented: Tento podnet bol realizovaný
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• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
Then seling mushrooms, when it says "you MUST sell mushrooms," the confirm button actually passes the turn. This button should say PASS not confirm. When done selling.. it says "you sell mushrooms" when it should say "you SOLD mushrooms" tppo better indiczte the end of tuen.
There has been multipul instances where confirm was pressed and then it skipped the players second selling set due to the miscommunication if the word confirm. Updating this language to PASS would be clearer
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Google Chrome v131
História hlásenia
Otherworldly_Gnome • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
22 nov 2024 6:26 •
22 nov 2024 8:32 • This is a button label issue, it wil, pass the rturn everytime it is pressed and shoukd be labeled as such
Lotsa_Llamas • Vývojári súhlasia, že je to dobrý nápad a zamýšľajú na ňom pracovať:
17 dec 2024 15:38 •
26 dec 2024 18:20 • I separately was having issues with the second sale and tested. It actually blindly passes the seond sale if you click confirm in the middle of the animation, before the last sale finishes. If you wait for the "undo" button to appear then click confirm the sale goes through. Similar to button issue reported here.
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