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#150152: "Only cost 1 meeple for "instant red arrow card""
infoneeded: Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému
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• Ktorá časť pravidiel nebola dodržaná v BGA adaptácii?
"instant red arrow card" costs 2 meeples. But it only charged me 1 meeple.• Je možné vidieť porušenie pravidiel na zázname z hry? Ak áno, aké je číslo ťahu?
I replayed several times ... it correctly charged me 2 meeples ONCE on replay, but only charged me 1 meeple on 3-4 replays.
BUT now when I go back to the game, it shows the correct number of meeples, ie 2 were taken away from me.
So it looks like it's showing the wrong number of meeples left in some cases.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
História hlásenia
chaoticsynergy • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
19 dec 2024 17:10 • This is the only time I noticed the error.
KuWizard • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
19 dec 2024 17:11 • Move number?
Not sure what you mean by "on 3-4 replays"
Not sure what you mean by "on 3-4 replays"
chaoticsynergy • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
20 dec 2024 5:03 • TIME/MOVE NUMBER:
- When I click REPLAY, it goes to move 455. Time is 08:01.
- When I initially made my move, it incorrectly charged me 1 meeple.
- 4-5 minutes later I clicked REPLAY, it correctly charged me 2 meeples.
- 2-3 minutes later I reloaded the page approximately 3 more times and clicked replay ... and each of these 3 times it incorrectly charged me 1 meeple.
- Several hours later I came back, clicked replay several times, and now it is always charging me the correct 2 meeples.
- When I click REPLAY, it goes to move 455. Time is 08:01.
- When I initially made my move, it incorrectly charged me 1 meeple.
- 4-5 minutes later I clicked REPLAY, it correctly charged me 2 meeples.
- 2-3 minutes later I reloaded the page approximately 3 more times and clicked replay ... and each of these 3 times it incorrectly charged me 1 meeple.
- Several hours later I came back, clicked replay several times, and now it is always charging me the correct 2 meeples.
KuWizard • Ďalšie informácie sú požadované programátormi na zopakovanie tohto problému:
20 dec 2024 11:25 • I will check the move 455-456 once you finish the game and full replay would be available. What you describe sounds impossible as replays always show same situation and same actions. And this should affect whole game after that as you have this worker or you don't have...
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