#150537: "Sunrise tile #10 error- building action would be without cost"
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Podrobný popis
• Prosím skopíruj a vlož chybové hlásenie, ktoré si videl na obrazovke, ak sa nejaké vyskytlo.
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Prosím vysvetli, čo si chcel/a spraviť, čo si spravil/a a čo sa stalo
Yes, but I don't know how to look up the move number from here. It was the beginning of round 3.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Skopíruj/vlož text zobrazený v angličtine namiesto tvojho jazyka. Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Je tento text dostupný v prekladovom systéme? Ak áno, bol preložený po dlhšie ako 24 hodín?
Yes, but I don't know how to look up the move number from here. It was the beginning of round 3.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Čo sa objavilo na obrazovke, keď si bol zablokovaný (Prázdna obrazovka? Časť herného rozhrania? Chybové hlásenie?)?
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Ktorá časť pravidiel nebola dodržaná v BGA adaptácii?
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Je možné vidieť porušenie pravidiel na zázname z hry? Ak áno, aké je číslo ťahu?
Yes, but I don't know how to look up the move number from here. It was the beginning of round 3.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Aký herný ťah si chcel urobiť?
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Čo si skúsil aby si vyvolal túto akciu?
Yes, but I don't know how to look up the move number from here. It was the beginning of round 3.• Čo sa stalo keď si spravil túto hernú akciu (chybové hlásenie, hlásenie v stavovom pruhu, ...)?
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Kedy v priebehu hry sa problém vyskytol (aká bola prebiehajúca herná inštrukcia)?
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Čo sa stalo keď si spravil túto hernú akciu (chybové hlásenie, hlásenie v stavovom pruhu, ...)?
Yes, but I don't know how to look up the move number from here. It was the beginning of round 3.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Prosím popíš viditeľný problém. Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Skopíruj/vlož text zobrazený v angličtine namiesto tvojho jazyka. Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Je tento text dostupný v prekladovom systéme? Ak áno, bol preložený po dlhšie ako 24 hodín?
Yes, but I don't know how to look up the move number from here. It was the beginning of round 3.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
Sunrise tile #10 does not have a coin symbol underneath the build action symbol, meaning that you do not have to pay to build with that tile action. The BGA interface charged me for the buildings built (one with the sunrise tile and one with Remi).• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
História hlásenia
In order to diagnose what’s happening, we need to know where to look in your game. You can find the current move number by looking in the upper-left corner where the progression is indicated (in landscape for mobile users). You can also find the move number by clicking on the log and looking at the link that’s provided when it offers you the option to replay from that point. Or you can click the 'View game replay' button after the game ends and either find it in the log or walk through the replay.
Please be aware that we're not BGA employees, just gaming enthusiasts like you, so the BGA framework prevents us from analyzing games that are still in progress. If you haven’t concluded your game yet just wait until it’s over before following up. If we don’t hear back from you in the next few days, we may close out this report, but we can also reopen it when you follow up.
Pridať niečo k tomuto hláseniu
- Iné ID stola / ID ťahu
- Vyriešil sa problém pomocou F5?
- Objavil sa problém viackrát? Zakaždým? Náhodne?
- Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.