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Hlásenia hry Automobiles
#151921: "Josh Trin 01 should have option to choose path for more/less wear"
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• Aký herný ťah si chcel urobiť?
On track Monza, there were two valid paths with the same number of spaces using a green turbo cube (move up to 2 light grey spaces then 1 for each green cube in other players' discard piles) - one went through a light/dark grey space and the other through a white/light grey space. It defaulted to the light grey so I gained less wear and lost one grey space movement at the end of my turn. I believe I should have had the choice of paths and therefore between less wear and more movement.• Čo si skúsil aby si vyvolal túto akciu?
redo my move to see if there was any way to specify which path I wanted to take but there was not. I double checked that my counting was correct for both paths.• Čo sa stalo keď si spravil túto hernú akciu (chybové hlásenie, hlásenie v stavovom pruhu, ...)?
Nothing - it just wasn't an option to move the extra space with the driver ability.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v131
História hlásenia
4 jan 2025 18:02 •
Fiminor • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
4 jan 2025 18:10 • This relates to boardgamearena.com/bug?id=68867 sorry - I imagined it was only an issue for this driver and didn't think to search error reports on the Turbo cube itself.
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