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#161556: "White flower not clearing when surrounded"
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16 mar 2025 9:11 •
Thwonky • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
16 mar 2025 20:34 • The white flowers did not clear as they are surrounded by other white flowers forming a "Group" as per the rules a group will not be harvested unless it is fully surrounded.
The other player is blocking you from harvesting them by keeping the group joined.
You can see here with my super technical explaination:
The orange line shows the connected group and the purple arrows show the tiles needed to be placed for the group to be harvested.
I hope that helped.
The other player is blocking you from harvesting them by keeping the group joined.
You can see here with my super technical explaination:
The orange line shows the connected group and the purple arrows show the tiles needed to be placed for the group to be harvested.
I hope that helped.
Thwonky • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
16 mar 2025 20:38 •
16 mar 2025 20:38 • For clarification a "group" will not be harvested unless it is surrounded by flowers of another type. Refer to the image and purple arrows to see the spots where the group isn't surrounded leading to a harvest.
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