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#41896: "error with database when finish my turn"
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Podrobný popis
• Kedy v priebehu hry sa problém vyskytol (aká bola prebiehajúca herná inštrukcia)?
at the start, when i try to finish my turn• Čo sa stalo keď si spravil túto hernú akciu (chybové hlásenie, hlásenie v stavovom pruhu, ...)?
inaspected server error.
this is the log.
Error while processing Database request (7.boardgamearena.com 27/05 00:49:47)• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v90
História hlásenia
Roberto Job • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
27 máj 2021 0:53 • i try refresh the page, change browser, abbandon the table and recreate from strech but it's ever the same problem when i try to finish my turn.
Error while processing Database request
Error while processing Database request
AdamPalma • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
11 jún 2021 22:22 • This or something like it happened to me three times today. I don't have game IDs to share because each game was abandoned and doesn't show in my history as far as I can tell, but if you're able to dig through my match history, they were all on June 11th, 2021.
AdamPalma • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
11 jún 2021 22:31 • Got the same glitch again after my comment above. Table #179562805. Player 1 tries to complete his turn but instead there's an error in the chat.
Also, the cards for purchase all became spread out so there was a full card's width between each of them, causing some of them to go off the board, and some of the cards in my hand moved up one card's height.
Also, the cards for purchase all became spread out so there was a full card's width between each of them, causing some of them to go off the board, and some of the cards in my hand moved up one card's height.
sharkus111 • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
10 aug 2021 23:40 • I have the same error today - when i tried to complete my turn after research action was made.
Table #193362229
Table #193362229
johngarnett • Problém zatiaľ nebol zopakovaný programátormi:
16 jún 2022 2:50 •
8 jún 2023 19:34 •
24 okt 2023 16:25 • This happened to my 3-player game. Here is the error I saw
Server syntax error:
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
Error while processing Database request (reference: GS8 16/06 02:44:56)
Server syntax error:
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
Error while processing Database request (reference: GS8 16/06 02:44:56)
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- Iné ID stola / ID ťahu
- Vyriešil sa problém pomocou F5?
- Objavil sa problém viackrát? Zakaždým? Náhodne?
- Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.