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Hlásenia hry Targi
#58353: "Trader Action: Instead of "Cancel" please let it say "Done", or add a "Done" function"
implemented: Tento podnet bol realizovaný
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If you trade multiple times, the word "cancel" makes you think, that all trades are cancelled. If feels unnatural. A minor thing maybe, but the possibility to click "Done" instead seems more natural.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v97
História hlásenia
29 jan 2022 1:16 •
Nyom7 • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
23 mar 2023 16:15 • I agree - I accidentally clicked "cancel" thinking I was cancelling the pop up screen so that I could actually see what I was doing and that resulted in a wasted turn.
kevan • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
16 júl 2024 16:54 • Looks like someone filed a translation request on 2024-06-03 with the explanation "clearer", and it got accepted. Translation guidelines say that it "should NOT be used to change the meaning or overall structure of the text".
I've just probably lost a game to this change - I assumed "Done" meant "I have selected my goods to trade, please do the trade". I'll request that the translation change be reversed.
I was about to file a bug suggesting retitling it as something like "No further trades".
I've just probably lost a game to this change - I assumed "Done" meant "I have selected my goods to trade, please do the trade". I'll request that the translation change be reversed.
I was about to file a bug suggesting retitling it as something like "No further trades".
xate • Tento podnet bol realizovaný:
17 júl 2024 17:44 • @kevan
The term "Done" is the correct term to show that you are finished using the Trader Action. This is in line with the original request here, showing that "cancel" was confusing.
To complete a trade you "Pay selected goods".
This will not be reverted, please stop sending translation requests asking to change it back.
The term "Done" is the correct term to show that you are finished using the Trader Action. This is in line with the original request here, showing that "cancel" was confusing.
To complete a trade you "Pay selected goods".
This will not be reverted, please stop sending translation requests asking to change it back.
kevan • Tento podnet bol realizovaný:
18 júl 2024 10:23 • Sure, will do, I'd just sent a second after the first got a generic "most likely not conform to the change policy" rejection, and I wasn't sure if I'd been clear enough. I'll open a new report to suggest a change of meaning.
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