Všetky hlásenia
Hlásenia hry Spades
#91108: "Improved statistics (NIL %, SET %, Bag average)"
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Podrobný popis
• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
It would be great to have more detailed Spades stats. The current stats appear to give counts per game, but they don't show success rates. For example, Spades is a team game with individual components. Would be great if there were NIL success rates (e.g. I tried to go NIL 5 times, and I was successful 3 times, so 60% - or - my partner went NIL 3 times and was successful 1 time, so 33% when I am trying to cover a NIL). Same thing with sets (when you don't get as many tricks as you bid). Would be great to have rates for that (my team played 8 hands that game and was SET once, so 12.5% SET rate).
Another option is to make the raw data available and folks would slice/dice the information as they see fit. That would be the most flexible.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v114
História hlásenia
yacktown00 • Tento návrh ešte nebol analyzovaný vývojármi:
16 jún 2023 15:10 • Not a bug, but having more statistics would be super useful.
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