#97445: ""Skip Players out of time" button is spammy and abusable, should be a consensus vote by players."
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Prosím skontroluj, či už existuje hlásenie na rovnakú tému
Ak je to tak, prosím HLASUJTE za toto hlásenie. Hlásenia s najviac hlasmi majú PRIORITU!
# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Podrobný popis
• Prosím skopíruj a vlož chybové hlásenie, ktoré si videl na obrazovke, ak sa nejaké vyskytlo.
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Prosím vysvetli, čo si chcel/a spraviť, čo si spravil/a a čo sa stalo
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Skopíruj/vlož text zobrazený v angličtine namiesto tvojho jazyka. Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Je tento text dostupný v prekladovom systéme? Ak áno, bol preložený po dlhšie ako 24 hodín?
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Čo sa objavilo na obrazovke, keď si bol zablokovaný (Prázdna obrazovka? Časť herného rozhrania? Chybové hlásenie?)?
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Ktorá časť pravidiel nebola dodržaná v BGA adaptácii?
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Je možné vidieť porušenie pravidiel na zázname z hry? Ak áno, aké je číslo ťahu?
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Aký herný ťah si chcel urobiť?
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Čo si skúsil aby si vyvolal túto akciu?
• Čo sa stalo keď si spravil túto hernú akciu (chybové hlásenie, hlásenie v stavovom pruhu, ...)?
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Kedy v priebehu hry sa problém vyskytol (aká bola prebiehajúca herná inštrukcia)?
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Čo sa stalo keď si spravil túto hernú akciu (chybové hlásenie, hlásenie v stavovom pruhu, ...)?
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Prosím popíš viditeľný problém. Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Skopíruj/vlož text zobrazený v angličtine namiesto tvojho jazyka. Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Je tento text dostupný v prekladovom systéme? Ak áno, bol preložený po dlhšie ako 24 hodín?
• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
• Prosím presne a stručne vysvetli svoj podnet, aby bolo čo najjednoduchšie pochopiť, ako to myslíš.
The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Aký prehliadač používaš?
Google Chrome v116
História hlásenia
When I sit down to a game, I often look at the maximum amount of time it will take (for games with a fixed number of turns) to ensure that the game will conclude before I need to leave. If players are allowed to keep the game running in perpetuity, they can eventually force other players to leave and take a penalty.
It's also open to abuse when multiple players are friends or at the same IP address. I worked tech support when the first generation of XBOX Live had problems with this. When a player was losing he would simply pause the game and walk away, forcing the other player to quit and take a penalty.
My suggestion to improve the system is to use the tools that already exist: Play at Normal or Slow speed tables instead of Fast if you cannot complete your turns within your time limit.
Pridať niečo k tomuto hláseniu
- Iné ID stola / ID ťahu
- Vyriešil sa problém pomocou F5?
- Objavil sa problém viackrát? Zakaždým? Náhodne?
- Ak máš screenshot (dobrý zvyk), môžeš použiť Imgur.com na jeho nahranie a skopírovať sem odkaz na neho.