Osadníci z Katanu The Settlers of Catan, Die Siedler von Catan, Les Colons de Catane
Hra Osadníci z Katanu, ktorá v roku 2020 oslávila 25. výročie, vyšla prvýkrát v Nemecku v roku 1995 pod názvom Die Siedler von CATAN a následne v roku 1996 v angličtine ako The Settlers of CATAN.
Na začiatku hry postavíte zo šesťhranných dielov hernú plochu. Teraz pred vami leží Katan - nádherný ostrov obklopený morom. Tvoria ho hory, pastviny, pahorkatiny, polia a lesy.
Každý z vás umiestni dva malé domčeky na miesto, kde sa stretávajú tri diely krajiny. To sú vaše počiatočné dediny.
A tak to začína. Začínajúci hráč hodí dvoma kockami. "11!" Každý diel terénu je označený číslom. Každý hráč, ktorý vlastní dedinu susediacu s dielom označeným hodeným číslom, obdrží surovinu, ktorú tento terén produkuje. Pahorkatiny produkujú tehly, lesy drevo, hory rudu, polia obilie, a pastviny vlnu.
Tieto suroviny používate na to, aby ste sa rozšírili po Katane: staviate cesty a nové dediny, prípadne povyšujete už existujúce na mestá. Napríklad stavba cesty stojí 1 tehlu a 1 drevo. Ak nemáte potrebné suroviny, môžte ich získať obchodovaním s vašimi súpermi.
Každá dedina má hodnotu 1 víťazný bod a každé mesto 2 body. Ak budeš postupovať múdro, môžeš byť prvý, kto dosiahne 10 bodov a vyhrá!
Počet hráčov: 3 - 4
Trvanie hry: 38 mn
Zložitosť: 2 / 5
Hraj Osadníci z Katanu a 959 ďalších hier online.
Nemusíš nič sťahovať - hráš priamo vo svojom webovom prehliadači.
S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Hraj Osadníci z Katanu a 959 ďalších hier online.
Nemusíš nič sťahovať - hráš priamo vo svojom webovom prehliadači.
S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Zhrnutie pravidiel
Get resources to buy various buildings and development cards, and try to be the first player to reach 10 points.
- The board consists of hills (brick), forest (lumber), mountains (ore), fields (grain), pasture (wool) and a desert (nothing) at random places.
- Each terrain except the desert has a number of 2-12 on it. The desert starts with the robber on it.
- Each player places 2 settlements and 1 road next to each settlement on the board, then they receive resources for each terrain around the second settlement.
Rolling for resource production (obligatory): On your turn, roll 2 dice and calculate the sum.
- The terrains with that number produce resources for all players who have settlements or cities next to them (if the robber isn't blocking them): 1 resource per settlement and 2 per city.
- If you roll a 7, no one gets any resources and players with 8 resources or more must discard half of them (rounded down). You must move the robber to a new terrain and steal 1 random resource from a player who has a settlement or city next to that terrain.
Trading (optional): during your turn you can trade resources
- • with all other players (domestic trade)
- • with the bank (maritime trade) at the standard rate of 4 identical resources for 1 or at a preferential rate of a harbour if you have a settlement next to it.
Building (optional): finally, you can build roads and settlements, upgrade settlements to cities or purchase a development card by paying the resources needed.
- • roads must connect to the initial settlements and cost 1 brick + 1 lumber (worth 0 points)
- • settlements must be connected by roads to existing settlements (except at start) and cost 1 brick + 1 lumber + 1 wool + 1 grain (worth 1 point)
- • cities replace an existing settlement and cost 3 ore + 2 grain (worth 2 points)
- • development cards cost 1 ore + 1 wool + 1 grain and include
- • 14 knight cards that allow to move the robber to another terrain and steal a resource
- • 2 road building cards allowing extra roads to be built
- • 2 year of plenty cards providing two free resources of choice
- • 2 monopoly cards giving all other players that help gathering resources or building road•s
- • 5 victory point cards
You can play a development card at any time during your turn, even before rolling the dice, as long as it was bought on a previous turn and is not a victory card.
- • Settlements: each is worth 1 victory point.
- • Cities: each is worth 2 victory points (1 Point from the settlement + 1).
- • Victory point cards: some development cards are worth 1 victory point. They are kept hidden until you have sufficent points to win.
- • Largest army: the player who has played the most knight cards at any time (at least 3) gets the largest army card which is worth 2 points.
- • Longest road: the player with the longest continuous road at any time (at least 5 segments) gets the longest road card which is worth 2 points.
If there is a tie, the original owner keeps the achievement cards.
End of game
If a player has 10 or more victory points during their turn (including victory points cards), they reveal them and the game ends with their victory. For Catan Cities & Knights, a player needs 13 or more victory points to win.