Darwinovy cesty
Darwin’s Journey is a worker placement euro game where players recall Charles Darwin’s memories of his adventure through the Galapagos islands, which contributed to the development of his theory of evolution.
With an innovative worker progression system, each worker will have to study the disciplines that are a prerequisite to perform several actions in the game, such as exploration, correspondence, and discovering specimens in order to contribute to the human knowledge of biology.
Počet hráčov: 1 - 4
Trvanie hry: 53 mn
Zložitosť: 4 / 5
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Hraj Darwinovy cesty a 1041 ďalších hier online.
Nemusíš nič sťahovať - hráš priamo vo svojom webovom prehliadači.
S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.

Zhrnutie pravidiel
Personal Board Bonuses for Completed Objectives
From top to bottom, left to right, below are the bonuses you get for completing objectives:
- Top 1: Select a previously placed Tent of that player’s color and perform the associated actions as if the Tent had just been placed for the first time. No Coin penalties are paid with this re-activation.
- Top 2: The player no longer pays the Coin penalty for taking Wax Seals from any Scroll row in the Academy. They must still pay the Coin penalty associated with the Wax Seal placement on their personal board.
- Top 3: The active player places a Research token onto any Specimen on the player’s personal board that matches any Specimen token found on an island with that player’s Explorer.
- Top 4: When scoring the Theory of Evolution track, the player adds 1 Book multiplier to the number of Book multipliers reached on the Track. This happens before scoring the Theory of Evolution track.
- Top 5: End game victory points
- Bottom 1: The player may move their 5th worker from the side of the player’s board onto this spot to unlock the worker. The player may use this worker in the current round. Wax Seals cannot be placed next to this worker, but Temporary Knowledge tokens may be spent to meet Wax Seal requirements.
- Bottom 2: The player immediately takes a Special Wax Seal (purple) from the supply and places it onto the left-most empty Wax Seal spot on one of the worker rows on their personal board. They do not have to pay any indicated Coin penalty for this placement.
- Bottom 3: The placement penalty for visiting an occupied Diary Section is reduced by one for the rest of the game.
- Bottom 4: During Beagle goal scoring, each Lagging penalty between the player’s Ship and the HMS Beagle is reduced to a maximum of 2
- Bottom 5: End game victory points
End Game Scoring
After the fifth round, final scoring commences:
- Personal Board Endgame Victory Points
- Completed Objectives
- Workers with 5 or 6 wax seals
- All five tents gone from board
- Theory of Evolution Track Scoring
- Calculate "Museum Modifier" = 2 + number of completed rows in the Museum (regardless of player)
- Multiply your number of books by on the track by the Museum Modifier
- Leftover Resources
- 1 point for every 5 coins remaining
- 1 point for every Temporary Knowledge token remaining