Hráči v hre Decrypto súťažia v dvoch tímoch, pričom každý sa snaží správne interpretovať zakódované správy, ktoré im predložili ich spoluhráči, a zároveň rozlúsknuť kódy, ktoré zachytí od súperovho tímu.
In more detail, each team has their own screen, and in this screen they tuck four cards in pockets numbered 1-4, letting everyone on the same team see the words on these cards while hiding the words from the opposing team. In the first round, each team does the following: One team member takes a code card that shows three of the digits 1-4 in some order, e.g., 4-2-1. They then give a coded message that their teammates must use to guess this code. For example, if the team's four words are "pig", "candy", "tent", and "son", then I might say "Sam-striped-pink" and hope that my teammates can correctly map those words to 4-2-1. If they guess correctly, great; if not, we receive a black mark of failure.
Starting in the second round, a member of each team must again give a clue about their words to match a numbered code. If I get 2-4-3, I might now say, "sucker-prince-stake". The other team then attempts to guess our numbered code. If they're correct, they receive a white mark of success; if not, then my team must guess the number correctly or take a black mark of failure. (Guessing correctly does nothing except avoid failure and give the opposing team information about what our hidden words might be.)
Kolá pokračujú, kým tím nezíska svoju druhú bielu značku (výhra v hre) alebo druhú čiernu značku (prehra hry). Hry zvyčajne trvajú 4 až 7 kôl. Ak ani jeden tím po ôsmich kolách nevyhrá, potom sa každý tím musí pokúsiť uhádnuť slová druhého tímu; vyhráva tím ktorý správne uhádne viac slov.
Počet hráčov: 4 - 8
Trvanie hry: 36 mn
Zložitosť: 1 / 5
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Hraj Decrypto a 930 ďalších hier online.
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S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Zhrnutie pravidiel
In this cryptic game of clues and secrecy, your aim is to intercept the opponent team twice without failing your own team twice
Turn Structure
Each round is split into 8 parts
1) A different Encryptor is designated each turn
2) Encryptors secretly views a Code Card
3) Encryptors writes 3 clues
4) Both teams discuss and write down what they think about the White clues (Excluding White Encryptor, but including Black Encryptor)
5) The White code is revealed. If the Black team is correct, they receive an Interception Token (white token), whilst if they are wrong nothing happens. If the White team is correct, nothing happens, whilst if they are wrong they receive an Miscommunication Token (black token).
- Parts 4 and 5 are then repeated, with both teams attempting to decipher the Black clues
Round End
Once both teams have attempted to decipher both codes, the round ends.
If one team now has 2 Interception, they win.
If one team now has 2 Miscommunication, they lose.
If both teams win in the same round, the tokens turn into points, with Interceptions worth +1 and Miscommunication worth -1 to determine the winning team.
If both teams are still tied, they can submit their guesses for the 4 words of the other team.
If no win/lose condition was triggered, a new round begins.
When each new round begins the Code Cards are reshuffled. This means that sequences can repeat within a game.
Clue Rules
The following are the Encryptor's rules for making their clues :
A clue can either be a single word or a phrase
Each clue must clearly be separate
A clue must only refer to the meaning
A clue must NOT refer to inside or private information (e.g., "our dinner last night" or "your sister's favorite animal" for Cow)
A clue must NOT use the spelling (e.g. a "C" for Cow)
A clue must NOT indicated the number of letters (e.g. a "3" or "Three" for Cow)
A clue must NOT indicate the position (e.g. "Tripod" for Cow in third position)
A clue must NOT address pronunciation (e.g. "Wow!" to sound like Cow)
A clue must NOT be the same word in another language (e.g. "Vache" for Cow)
Spelling of the clue is important and anyone can ask for spelling clarification
Each clue can only be used ONCE per player across the whole game