No Thanks!
Počas tvojho ťahu si buď vezmeš kartu alebo zaplatíš žetón. Jednoduché, nie?
Ale je v tom háčik: tvoje karty hrajú proti tebe. Minieš jeden z obmedzeného množstva tvojich žetónov, aby si si nemusel vziať kartu? Alebo si kartu aj so všetkými žetónmi na nej vezmeš?
Počet hráčov: 3 - 7
Trvanie hry: 4 mn
Zložitosť: 1 / 5
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S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Hraj No Thanks! a 1002 ďalších hier online.
Nemusíš nič sťahovať - hráš priamo vo svojom webovom prehliadači.
S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Zhrnutie pravidiel
For tips on how to play no thanks, see Tips_nothanks
- The goal of No Thanks! is to be the player with the fewest points when all cards are taken.
- In the BGA adaptation, points are negative, and the winner is the player whose score is closest to 0.
- Each player receives 11 chips (3-5 players), 9 chips (6 players), 7 chips (7 players).
- Nine cards are removed from the deck (of cards numbered 3-35) at random.
- The top card of the deck is revealed.
- On your turn, you may spend a chip or take the card along with all of the chips in the pile.
- If you spend a chip, your turn ends.
- If you take the card, the next card is revealed, and your turn continues.
- The game ends when the last card is taken.
- Your score is the sum of your cards minus the number of chips you have.
- However, if you have cards with consecutive numbers, only the lowest number is added to your score.
- You have 5 chips and cards 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 20. Your score is 3 + 10 + 20 - 5 = 28.
- The player with the lowest score is the winner.
- Note: BGA calculates the scores as a negative.
- This means that the highest score (closest to 0) is the winner, and not the player with the most negative points.
- Chip tracking: You can choose whether the amount of chips are visible throughout the game.
- Tactical Variant: Each player starts with 10 chips instead of 11.
- However, cards 10, 20 and 30 are guaranteed to be removed.