Stella – Dixit Universe
Hľadači hviezd! Prehľadajte oblohu a prineste z nej do vášho sveta kúsok svetla. Stella je súťaživá hra zo sveta Dixit.
V každom kole si hráči vyložia karty Dixit na doske po tom, čo dostanú spoločné kľúčové slovo. Každý hráč pozoruje karty Dixit a tajne spája tieto karty s kľúčovým slovom. Hráči označujú na svojich vymazateľných osobných tabuľkách karty Dixit, ktoré si vybrali.
Výber rovnakých kariet Dixit ako ostatní hráči vám umožní získať viac bodov. Naopak, výber karty, ktorú si nikto nevyberie, vás môže vyjsť draho.
Na konci štvrtého kola si každý hráč spočíta svoje absolútne skóre. Hráč/i, ktorý/í ziskal/i najviac bodov vyhráva/jú!
Risk je zisk, ale pozor na pád!
Počet hráčov: 3 - 6
Trvanie hry: 18 mn
Zložitosť: 1 / 5
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Hraj Stella – Dixit Universe a 978 ďalších hier online.
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S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Zhrnutie pravidiel
Score the most points by guessing what others associate with the clue word.
- The game consists of 4 rounds.
- At the start of each round, reveal a new clue word. All players see the same word.
- Each player chooses 1 to 10 cards that they think are related to the clue word, marking each chosen card with a checkmark at the bottom left.
- Everyone reveals how many cards they chose, and the one who chose the most goes "in the dark". In case of tie, no player goes "in the dark".
- Starting from the scout, each player chooses 1 of their cards to reveal.
- If more than 2 players chose the same card, they all get a spark and score 2 points.
- If exactly 2 players chose that card, they each get a super-spark and score 3 points.
- If only that player chose that card, that player falls and cannot score any more sparks or super-sparks, nor be the scout this round.
- A fallen player's cards are still part of sparks or super-sparks.
- The round ends when all players either fall or have no cards remaining to reveal.
- During scoring if you are "in the dark" (chose most cards) AND you fell, then deduct 1 point for each spark and super-spark.
- After each round, 5 cards from a row are replaced and the scout goes to the next player.
End of the Game
The game ends after 4 rounds. The player with the most points wins. If there is a tie, they share the victory.