Kráľ je mŕtvy! Ako sa to preboha stalo? To nikto presne nevie, ale vraj ho našli dnes ráno utopeného v sude s vínom. Pomohol mu snáď niekto alebo ho dostal jeho vlastný smäd? Tak či tak po kráľovi nezostal žiadny dedič, ktorý by zemi vládol. A teraz je na piatich dominantných frakciách tejto ríše, aby rozhodli, kto prevezme moc. Budete to vy, alebo váš súper? Dokážete si získať priazeň piatich národov?
Hra pozostáva z dvoch fáz. V prvej fáze dostane každý hráč karty, pomocou ktorých naverbuje nových nasledovníkov. V druhej fáze musíte týchto nasledovníkov využiť tak, aby ste získali sympatie piatich frakcií. Hráč, ktorý má na konci hry najviac nasledovníkov prináležiacich k príslušnej frakcii, získava jej hlas. Ten, kto takto získa hlas aspoň troch frakcií, víťazí!
Počet hráčov: 2 - 4
Trvanie hry: 8 mn
Zložitosť: 1 / 5
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Nemusíš nič sťahovať - hráš priamo vo svojom webovom prehliadači.
S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Zhrnutie pravidiel
Play two rounds of tricks, one with random cards and another with cards gained from the first round, in order to control the most Factions at game's end
Phase One
This phase consists of thirteen tricks
Flip over a card to display the card you will be trying to win this trick
The Leader plays any card from their hand, it does not have to relate to the flipped card
The Follower either plays a card of the same Faction as the Leader's card, a Doppleganger, or any card if they don't hold a card of the same Faction
The player who played the highest Lead Faction card wins the trick
The winner takes the displayed card into their followers whilst the loser takes a blind card from the deck into theirs
If an Undead card was played (but not displayed) then it will go to the winner's score pile (a Displayed Undead goes to the Followers pile as normal)
Any other played cards are discarded
A new trick starts with the winner of that trick
Note: Your score cards are faceup and visible, whilst your Follower cards are facedown and hidden
The phase ends when the players are out of hand cards (i.e. played 13 tricks)
Phase Two
This is played similar to the first phase, except instead of being dealt 13 random cards, you instead use the 13 cards you collected during phase one
The main difference is that instead of competing for a known displayed card, the winner of each trick takes both played cards into their Score pile instead
Game End
The game ends at the end of Phase Two (or 26 Tricks)
Each player divides their Score cards into the various Factions
Whoever has the most cards of a single Faction, wins that Faction
If tied, the player with the highest value card in that Faction, wins that Faction
The player who wins 3 Factions wins the game!
Faction Powers
Goblins - numbered 0-9, with five 0’s - have no powers
Knights - 8 Knights numbered 2-9 - beat Goblins regardless of value
Undead - numbered 0-9 - are used as score cards for the winner, instead of being discarded, but only during Phase One
Dwarves - numbered 0-9 - are collected into the score pile of the loser of a trick, but only during Phase Two
Doppleganger - numbered 0-9 - may be considered any Faction but does not possess its Faction Powers. You may play a Doppleganger even if you hold the real Faction cards in hand. If the Leader starts with a Doppleganager, the lead Faction is considered Doppleganger.