Meadow is a spatial strategy game designed by Nick Bentley, inspired by the idea of flowers competing for space in a Meadow.
The players take turns placing stones on the board, trying to capture groups of opponent stones. You capture opponent groups either by smothering them (surrounding them) or when they're overgrown. The first player to capture a certain number of stones (depending on board size) wins.
The tricky bit: each player owns two different stone colors, which they must play. If you're not careful, your own pieces may end up in competition with one another, sinking your chances.
Počet hráčov: 2
Trvanie hry: 11 mn
Zložitosť: 3 / 5
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For tips on how to play meadow, see Tips_meadow
Game play
- Each player owns 2 stone colours. To start, Player 1 places one stone of either of their colours on any empty space.
- From then on, starting with Player 2, the players take turns. On your turn, you must place 1 or 2 stones on any empty spaces.
- If you place 2 stones, they must be different colours.
- After you place your stone(s), capture all smothered enemy groups, and then capture all overgrown enemy groups.
- The first player to have captured X enemy stones wins.
- A group is an entire group of connected stones on the board of the same colour.
- A single stone (unconnected to others of the same colour) is also a group.
- A group is overgrown when it has more than 5 stones in it.
- A group is smothered when there are no empty spaces adjacent to any of its stones.