Hru Niagara navrhol Thomas Liesching a vydala spoločnosť Zoch Verlag.
Počet hráčov: 3 - 5
Trvanie hry: 25 mn
Zložitosť: 2 / 5
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S tvojimi priateľmi a tisíckami hráčov z celého sveta.
Zhrnutie pravidiel
Players paddle canoes along the Niagara river to collect gems of five different colors and bring them safely back to shore without being swept over the waterfall. To win, a player must return either:
- five different colored gems
- four gems of the same color
- seven gems of any color
The tie break is the value of the gems - the gems closer to the waterfall have a higher value. In order the gems are:
- Gem - Color - Value
- Amethyst - Violet - 1
- Diamond - Clear - 2
- Amber - Yellow - 3
- Sapphire - Blue - 4
- Ruby - Pink - 5
Players have a set of 7 paddle cards which they play to determine the speed of their canoes and the speed of the river. All players must select the card they will play before the players then move their canoes in turn order. Once a card has been played it is not available to play again until all 7 cards have been played.