QANGO je rýchla a rýchlo vysvetliteľná abstraktná hra pre dvoch hráčov. Hráči umiestňujú svoje disky na štvorcovú viacfarebnú hraciu plochu a, aby okamžite vyhrali hru, snažia sa umiestniť buďto tri svoje disky v jednej skupine rovnakej farby, štyri disky v štvorci, alebo päť diskov v horizontálnej, vertikálnej či diagonálnej rade. Umiestňujú vždy jeden disk a nie sú obmedzení v spôsobe umiestnenia disku po prvom ťahu. Hra obsahuje dve hracie plochy, jednu pre začiatočníkov o veľkosti 6x6 a druhú pre pokročilých hráčov o veľkosti 7x7.
Počet hráčov: 2
Trvanie hry: 2 mn
Zložitosť: 1 / 5
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Zhrnutie pravidiel
Place a single counter each turn until you create one of the winning formations before your opponent does
On your turn, place your piece on any empty field
Game End
The game can end in 4 ways
You win if you connect 3 fields of the same colour together, orthogonally or diagonally
You win if you create a square of 4 connected fields regardless of colour
You win if you create a line (orthogonal or diagonal) of 5 connected fields regardless of colour
The game is a draw if the final counter is played and no winning formation is found
The basic game is Qango 6, the following are additional rules which can be implemented to vary complexity, the order of these generally represents the increasing difficulty they pose
Castle - There are 8 spaces which form a castle-like formation which cannot be used by the first counter, but otherwise are free to use from 2nd turn onwards
Tournament - The 1st counter can only be played from an edge space
Quango 7 - There is a central yellow square which is unconnected to any yellows, thus cannot be used to win via method 1
Quango 7 Castle - This has a slightly different layout for the blocked opening squares
Quango 7 and the First Professional - The first counter can only start on an edge or the central yellow space
Quango 7 and the Second Professional - The first counter can only start on an edge but not the central space of each line
Quango 7 Plus - The grey corner fields are banned for the whole game
Quango 7 Plus and the Edge - The first counter can only be played on an edge space (as Grey is Banned, spaces next to Grey are the edge as well as true edge spaces)
Quango 7 Plus and the Tournament - The first counter can only be played on either pair of green and blue spaces on opposite corners.