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Nastavenie stola

Herný režim
Normálny režim
Rýchlosť hry
Hra na ťahy • 1 ťah za 2 dni
This is the recommended number of laps for anyone playing their first few games.
Season Campaign (Expansion)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
No Drivers
Players do not have Drivers with special abilities. This setting is recommended for first-time players.
Track [Single Race Only]
Daytona Beach
Card Set
Choose Card Set
Choose any of the predefined sets of cards to play with
Card Set [Choose Card Set Only]
First Game
This set is all about giving new players loads of fun, while maximizing flexibility, and showing off what a game of Automobiles is capable of.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Bag Contents
Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag
A variation for online play: players are told exactly how many cubes are in their bag at all times.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.

1 min

priemerná doba čakania

Výsledky hry


Nastavenie stola

Herný režim
Normálny režim
Rýchlosť hry
Hra na ťahy • 1 ťah za 2 dni
+ 2 dni za ťah (maximálne 6 dni )
This is the recommended number of laps for anyone playing their first few games.
Season Campaign (Expansion)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
No Drivers
Players do not have Drivers with special abilities. This setting is recommended for first-time players.
Track [Single Race Only]
Daytona Beach
Card Set
Choose Card Set
Choose any of the predefined sets of cards to play with
Card Set [Choose Card Set Only]
First Game
This set is all about giving new players loads of fun, while maximizing flexibility, and showing off what a game of Automobiles is capable of.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Bag Contents
Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag
A variation for online play: players are told exactly how many cubes are in their bag at all times.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.

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ĎAKUJEME : Si jeden z našich najvernejších hráčov!
Získaj to najlepšie z Board Game Arény, len za $5 / mesiac.