Great Western Trail
Hra skončila
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Približné trvanie hry je 1.5 dni
Kliknutím na '"Akceptujem" sa zaväzuješ dohrať hru do konca.
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Čas na premýšľanie : + 0:00 za ťah (maximálne 0:00 )
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Trvanie hry: 1.5 dni
Táto hra sa počíta do turnaja: World Cup 2024 - FINAL Strategic Games - Stage 1 - Group 3
Nastavenie stola
Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Perform the action "Buy cattle from the cattle market"
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your cattleman 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 5 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- Move your cattleman 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Perform the action "Hire one worker" with hiring cost reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- Discard exactly 1 yellow cattle card and gain 10 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- For each pair consisting of 1 green and 1 blue teepee tile that you have collected, move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- Select one of the following action: Perform the action "Trade with the Indians" OR Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible (i.e. until you reach your temporary certificate limit)
- Move your cattleman 5 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 2 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- For each bell space on your auxiliary add-on that you have completely cleared, move your certificate marker 1 space forward AND gain 1 Dollar.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Buy cattle from the cattle market
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 5 Dollars
- Move your herder up to 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Discard exactly one cattle card with a breeding value of 3 and gain 7 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Hire one worker. The hiring cost is reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- For each pair consisting of 1 orange and 1 green outlaw tile that you have collected: move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- EITHER remove one outlaw tile and gain the bonus OR perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible
- Move your herder up to 5 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Remove another hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Gain as many Dollars as you have builders in your builder row
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
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Počet hráčov : 2 Chcem medzi 2 a 2 Hráči
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Dostupní hráči, ktorí majú Great Western Trail vo svojich obľúbených

Výsledky hry
Nastavenie stola
Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Perform the action "Buy cattle from the cattle market"
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your cattleman 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 5 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- Move your cattleman 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Perform the action "Hire one worker" with hiring cost reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- Discard exactly 1 yellow cattle card and gain 10 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- For each pair consisting of 1 green and 1 blue teepee tile that you have collected, move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- Select one of the following action: Perform the action "Trade with the Indians" OR Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible (i.e. until you reach your temporary certificate limit)
- Move your cattleman 5 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 2 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- For each bell space on your auxiliary add-on that you have completely cleared, move your certificate marker 1 space forward AND gain 1 Dollar.
- Gain 2 Dollars for each of your private building tiles that is located in the woods
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Buy cattle from the cattle market
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 5 Dollars
- Move your herder up to 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Discard exactly one cattle card with a breeding value of 3 and gain 7 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Hire one worker. The hiring cost is reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- For each pair consisting of 1 orange and 1 green outlaw tile that you have collected: move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- EITHER remove one outlaw tile and gain the bonus OR perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Move your certificate marker as far forward as possible
- Move your herder up to 5 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Remove another hazard tile for 2 Dollars
- Gain as many Dollars as you have builders in your builder row
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again