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Nastavenie stola

Herný režim
Normálny režim
Rýchlosť hry
Hra na ťahy • Pevný čas
Čas pridelený každému hráčovi
7 dni
Hodiny, keď sa hráva
24 hodín denne (žiadne hodiny, keď sa hráva)
Druhé vydanie (2021)
Nastavenia hry
Standard game
Setup the game with random neutral building positions and random player building sides
Bid for turn order
If set to On, after the setup, players may bid VP to choose their turn order for the game
Variant: Simmental
The orange Simmental cattle cards are part of a new variant to play Great Western Trail. This cattle card comes with 3 stages: the Simmental Calf, the Simmental Heifer and the Simmental Cow. Only stage 1 is available on the cattle market.

Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
Live scoring
Display players VPs only at the end on the score pad

2 min

priemerná doba čakania

Výsledky hry


Nastavenie stola

Herný režim
Normálny režim
Rýchlosť hry
Hra na ťahy • Pevný čas
+ 0:00 za ťah (maximálne 0:00 )
Čas pridelený každému hráčovi
7 dni
Hodiny, keď sa hráva
24 hodín denne (žiadne hodiny, keď sa hráva)
Druhé vydanie (2021)
Nastavenia hry
Standard game
Setup the game with random neutral building positions and random player building sides
Bid for turn order
If set to On, after the setup, players may bid VP to choose their turn order for the game
Variant: Simmental
The orange Simmental cattle cards are part of a new variant to play Great Western Trail. This cattle card comes with 3 stages: the Simmental Calf, the Simmental Heifer and the Simmental Cow. Only stage 1 is available on the cattle market.

Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
Live scoring
Display players VPs only at the end on the score pad

Hráči pri tomto stole

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ĎAKUJEME : Si jeden z našich najvernejších hráčov!
Získaj to najlepšie z Board Game Arény, len za $5 / mesiac.