Game has ended
You are about to play with real players
The approximate duration of this game is 26 mn
Clicking on 'accept' is a commitment to play this game until the end.
Waiting for:
Time to think : +0:09 per turn (maximum 1:27)
A temporary or permanent exit from this table during the game will affect your reputation score and make it more difficult to find playing partners in the future.
Game duration: 26 mn
Table configuration
Add a Joker which can be used as the strongest single or a wild.
A player who plays the same combination of the same rank as the previous play skips the next person who would have played.
A player went out by playing 2 when card ranks are normal or 3 when card ranks are reversed, or the Joker (even as a wild card), is disqualified and is ranked the lowest. If several players are disqualified by this rule in the same round, the player who went out later is ranked higher.
If the President fails to get the first place, the player is disqualified immediately and is ranked the lowest unless someone else is disqualified by illegal finish.
From the second round, the lowest ranked player plays first.
Players at this table
(Playing with 2,3 players is possible, but not the best for this game)
Number of players : 4 I want between 4 and 4 Players
Restrict by level
Beginners Apprentices Average players Good players Strong players Experts MastersRestrict by reputation
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Invite a friend or invite:
4 min
average waiting time
Available players with President in their favorites

Game result
Table configuration
Add a Joker which can be used as the strongest single or a wild.
A player who plays the same combination of the same rank as the previous play skips the next person who would have played.
A player went out by playing 2 when card ranks are normal or 3 when card ranks are reversed, or the Joker (even as a wild card), is disqualified and is ranked the lowest. If several players are disqualified by this rule in the same round, the player who went out later is ranked higher.
If the President fails to get the first place, the player is disqualified immediately and is ranked the lowest unless someone else is disqualified by illegal finish.
From the second round, the lowest ranked player plays first.