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Načítavam grafiku (10%)
Stôl #644891743
Ťah #23
Postup 16%


Zobrazenie záznamov hry
Zobraziť nápovedy
Display text tooltips on Mobile
Auto fill of plant Fat (If one choice)
Sound effects
Display confirmation dialogs
Orientation of Species board
Display trait cards in hand
Zoom factor

Nastavenia hry

Herný režim
Rýchlosť hry
Quick Play
Auto Feeding
Táto hra bola od začiatku hry aktualizovaná: preto je znovuprehratie iba EXPERIMENTÁLNE.

mads_e`s Species

sangrr`s Species



0 -896117030 eur Visitor-896


Zobrazenie záznamov hry
Zobraziť nápovedy
Display text tooltips on Mobile
Auto fill of plant Fat (If one choice)
Sound effects
Display confirmation dialogs
Orientation of Species board
Display trait cards in hand
Zoom factor

Nastavenia hry

Herný režim
Rýchlosť hry
Quick Play
Auto Feeding

Poznámka: 3D je skúšobné

Si divák
2 dni
Zobraziť ukazovateľ
2 dni
Zobraziť ukazovateľ
Diváci: Visitor-896117030
Vzdať sa
+5 are placed onto the Watering Hole
mads_e selected trait card Fat Tissue as food card
+3 are placed onto the Watering Hole
sangrr selected trait card Cooperation as food card
3 are moved from Fat Tissue onto mads_e`s species #1
Trait Fat Tissue of mads_e`s species #1 is activated
sangrr added new trait Carnivore to species board #1
mads_e added new trait Hard Shell to species board #1
mads_e completes the playing of trait cards
10:25 PM
mads_e plays trait card Pack Hunting and increases population of species board #1 to 3
mads_e plays trait card Horns and increases population of species board #1 to 2
mads_e undoes last action of playing of trait cards
mads_e plays trait card Horns and adds new species board to the tail of species chain
10:24 PM
mads_e plays trait card and adds new trait to species board #1
10:23 PM
sangrr completes the playing of trait cards
05:05 PM
sangrr plays trait card Intelligence and adds new species board to the tail of species chain
sangrr plays trait card and adds new trait to species board #1
sangrr plays trait card Fat Tissue and increases body size of species board #1 to 4
05:04 PM
sangrr selected food card
mads_e selected food card
12:54 PM
sangrr gets 4 trait cards from the deck
mads_e gets 4 trait cards from the deck
sangrr becomes the First player
sangrr gets 2 from species #1
mads_e gets 1 from species #1
sangrr`s species #1 receives 2 from the Watering Hole
mads_e`s species #1 stores 3 onto Fat Tissue from the Watering Hole
mads_e`s species #1 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
Automatic feeding of herbivorus species is performed
+3 are placed onto the Watering Hole
sangrr selected trait card Pack Hunting as food card
+5 are placed onto the Watering Hole
mads_e selected trait card Horns as food card
mads_e added new trait Fat Tissue to species board #1
sangrr completes the playing of trait cards
sangrr plays trait card Symbiosis and increases population of species board #1 to 2
sangrr plays trait card Long Neck and increases body size of species board #1 to 3
sangrr plays trait card Long Neck and increases body size of species board #1 to 2
06:54 AM
mads_e completes the playing of trait cards
mads_e plays trait card Climbing and increases body size of species board #1 to 3
12:30 AM
mads_e plays trait card Climbing and increases body size of species board #1 to 2
mads_e plays trait card and adds new trait to species board #1
3/17/2025 12:29 AM
sangrr selected food card
mads_e selected food card
11:26 PM
sangrr gets 4 trait cards from the deck
sangrr gets 1 species board
mads_e gets 4 trait cards from the deck
mads_e gets 1 species board
3/16/2025 10:07 PM
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