faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980`s species #3 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Population of faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 decreases to 2
zakiya3980`s species #3 attacks faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
zakiya3980 disables trait Climbing of All species
Trait Intelligence of zakiya3980`s species #3 is activated
08:16 PM
zakiya3980 discards Trait card Climbing from hand
08:15 PM
zakiya3980 selects species #3 to attack other species
08:14 PM
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
+6 are placed onto the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1 selected trait card Foraging as food card
+5 are placed onto the Watering Hole
zakiya3980 selected trait card Carnivore as food card
zakiya3980`s species #1 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Trait Long Neck of zakiya3980`s species #1 is activated
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Trait Long Neck of faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 is activated
zakiya3980 plays trait card Cooperation and increases body size of species board #3 to 6
zakiya3980 plays trait card Warning Call and increases body size of species board #3 to 5
zakiya3980 plays trait card Long Neck and adds new trait to species board #1
zakiya3980 discards trait card Scavenger from species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Ambush and increases population of species board #2 to 5
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Symbiosis and increases population of species board #1 to 3
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Symbiosis and increases population of species board #2 to 4
08:11 PM
faithyelizabeth1 selected food card
zakiya3980 selected food card
12:04 AM
faithyelizabeth1 gets 5 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 gets 6 trait cards from the deck
faithyelizabeth1 becomes the First player
faithyelizabeth1 gets 3 from species #2
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 from species #1
zakiya3980 gets 2 from species #3
zakiya3980 gets 3 from species #2
zakiya3980 gets 1 from species #1
zakiya3980`s species #2 loses 2 hungry Population and decreases to 3
zakiya3980`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
3/17/2025 12:00 AM
zakiya3980`s species #1 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Trait Scavenger of zakiya3980`s species #1 is activated
zakiya3980`s species #3 receives 2 from the Food Bank
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 trait cards from the deck
Trait card Carnivore is discarded from faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
Trait card Warning Call is discarded from faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 dies out
zakiya3980`s species #3 attacks faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
11:59 PM
zakiya3980 disables trait Climbing of All species
Trait Intelligence of zakiya3980`s species #3 is activated
zakiya3980 discards Trait card Ambush from hand
11:58 PM
zakiya3980 selects species #3 to attack other species
11:57 PM
+2 are placed onto the Watering Hole
zakiya3980 selected trait card Carnivore as food card
+4 are placed onto the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1 selected trait card Burrowing as food card
is moved from Fat Tissue onto faithyelizabeth1`s species #3
Trait Fat Tissue of faithyelizabeth1`s species #3 is activated
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Trait Long Neck of faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 is activated
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Fat Tissue and increases body size of species board #1 to 3
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Scavenger and increases body size of species board #1 to 2
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Warning Call and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Carnivore and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Ambush and adds new species board to the head of species chain
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Intelligence and increases population of species board #3 to 3
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Foraging and increases body size of species board #3 to 2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Warning Call and increases population of species board #3 to 2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Hard Shell and adds new trait to species board #2
zakiya3980 discards trait card Fertile from species board #2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Carnivore and increases body size of species board #3 to 4
zakiya3980 plays trait card Intelligence and adds new trait to species board #3
zakiya3980 discards trait card Pack Hunting from species board #3
11:49 PM
faithyelizabeth1 selected food card
zakiya3980 selected food card
11:45 PM
faithyelizabeth1 gets 5 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 gets 6 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 becomes the First player
zakiya3980 gets 1 from species #3
zakiya3980 gets 5 from species #2
zakiya3980 gets 1 from species #1
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 from species #2
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 from species #1
zakiya3980`s species #2 receives 5 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 stores 1 onto Fat Tissue from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
Automatic feeding of herbivorus species is performed
zakiya3980`s species #1 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Trait Scavenger of zakiya3980`s species #1 is activated
zakiya3980`s species #3 receives 1 from the Food Bank
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 trait cards from the deck
Trait card Horns is discarded from faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
Trait card Carnivore is discarded from faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 dies out
Population of zakiya3980`s species #3 decreases to 1
Trait Horns of faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 is activated
zakiya3980`s species #3 attacks faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
zakiya3980 selects species #3 to attack other species
11:43 PM
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
+3 are placed onto the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1 selected trait card Horns as food card
-1 are removed from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980 selected trait card Pack Hunting as food card
Population of zakiya3980`s species #2 increases to 5
Trait Fertile of zakiya3980`s species #2 is activated
is moved from Fat Tissue onto faithyelizabeth1`s species #3
Trait Fat Tissue of faithyelizabeth1`s species #3 is activated
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Food Bank
Trait Long Neck of faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 is activated
zakiya3980 plays trait card Intelligence and adds new trait to species board #2
zakiya3980 discards trait card Cooperation from species board #2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Scavenger and adds new trait to species board #1
zakiya3980 plays trait card Symbiosis and adds new trait to species board #1
zakiya3980 plays trait card Carnivore and adds new species board to the head of species chain
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Symbiosis and increases population of species board #2 to 2
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Long Neck and adds new trait to species board #2
faithyelizabeth1 discards trait card Defensive Herding from species board #2
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Horns and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Carnivore and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Burrowing and adds new species board to the head of species chain
11:00 PM
faithyelizabeth1 selected food card
zakiya3980 selected food card
10:56 PM
faithyelizabeth1 gets 5 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 gets 5 trait cards from the deck
faithyelizabeth1 becomes the First player
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 from species #2
faithyelizabeth1 gets 1 from species #1
zakiya3980 gets 2 from species #2
zakiya3980 gets 4 from species #1
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 stores 1 onto Fat Tissue from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980`s species #1 receives 4 from the Watering Hole
Automatic feeding of herbivorus species is performed
zakiya3980`s species #2 receives 2 from the Food Bank
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 trait cards from the deck
Trait card Scavenger is discarded from faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
Trait card Carnivore is discarded from faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 dies out
zakiya3980`s species #2 attacks faithyelizabeth1`s species #1
10:55 PM
zakiya3980 selects species #2 to attack other species
+4 are placed onto the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1 selected trait card Long Neck as food card
+6 are placed onto the Watering Hole
zakiya3980 selected trait card Fertile as food card
is moved from Fat Tissue onto faithyelizabeth1`s species #3
Trait Fat Tissue of faithyelizabeth1`s species #3 is activated
Population of zakiya3980`s species #1 increases to 4
Trait Fertile of zakiya3980`s species #1 is activated
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Fertile and increases body size of species board #1 to 2
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Scavenger and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Carnivore and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Cooperation and adds new species board to the head of species chain
zakiya3980 plays trait card Ambush and increases body size of species board #2 to 3
zakiya3980 plays trait card Symbiosis and increases body size of species board #2 to 2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Carnivore and adds new trait to species board #2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Pack Hunting and adds new trait to species board #2
10:54 PM
faithyelizabeth1 selected food card
zakiya3980 selected food card
10:02 PM
faithyelizabeth1 gets 5 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 gets 5 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 becomes the First player
zakiya3980 gets 2 from species #2
zakiya3980 gets 3 from species #1
faithyelizabeth1 gets 2 from species #2
faithyelizabeth1 gets 1 from species #1
zakiya3980`s species #2 receives 2 from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980`s species #1 receives 3 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 stores 1 onto Fat Tissue from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
Automatic feeding of herbivorus species is performed
+1 are placed onto the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1 selected trait card Burrowing as food card
+3 are placed onto the Watering Hole
zakiya3980 selected trait card Carnivore as food card
Population of zakiya3980`s species #1 increases to 3
Trait Fertile of zakiya3980`s species #1 is activated
is moved from Fat Tissue onto faithyelizabeth1`s species #2
Trait Fat Tissue of faithyelizabeth1`s species #2 is activated
zakiya3980 plays trait card Fat Tissue and increases population of species board #2 to 2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Cooperation and adds new trait to species board #1
zakiya3980 plays trait card Fertile and adds new species board to the tail of species chain
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Ambush and increases population of species board #2 to 2
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Defensive Herding and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Climbing and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Long Neck and adds new species board to the head of species chain
08:55 PM
faithyelizabeth1 selected food card
zakiya3980 selected food card
06:30 PM
faithyelizabeth1 gets 4 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 gets 4 trait cards from the deck
faithyelizabeth1 becomes the First player
faithyelizabeth1 gets 1 from species #1
zakiya3980 gets 2 from species #1
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 stores 1 onto Fat Tissue from the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1`s species #1 receives 1 from the Watering Hole
zakiya3980`s species #1 receives 2 from the Watering Hole
Automatic feeding of herbivorus species is performed
+6 are placed onto the Watering Hole
zakiya3980 selected trait card Foraging as food card
+5 are placed onto the Watering Hole
faithyelizabeth1 selected trait card Fat Tissue as food card
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Fat Tissue and adds new trait to species board #1
faithyelizabeth1 plays trait card Defensive Herding and adds new trait to species board #1
zakiya3980 plays trait card Foraging and increases body size of species board #1 to 2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Fertile and increases population of species board #1 to 2
zakiya3980 plays trait card Fertile and adds new trait to species board #1
04:07 PM
faithyelizabeth1 selected food card
zakiya3980 selected food card
03:40 PM
faithyelizabeth1 gets 4 trait cards from the deck
faithyelizabeth1 gets 1 species board
zakiya3980 gets 4 trait cards from the deck
zakiya3980 gets 1 species board
3/16/2025 04:44 AM
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