Move one explorer up to 2 spaces |
Move the ship up to 3 spaces |
Deliver a specimen to the museum that has already been delivered |
Place a personal lens token onto a locked location without paying the costs |
Take one objective tile and place it on the personal board or next to it |
Place the top tent from the personal board onto an empty tent location on the board |
Move the evolution marker 2 spaces forward on the theory of evolution track |
Gain 4 victory points |
Gain 4 coins |
Pay 6 coins |
Gain 1 temporary knowledge token |
One objective can be fulfilled without having to meet its requirements |
Gain 2 coins |
Gain 3 victory points |
Place a purple wax seal without paying any costs |
Convert 1 temporary knowledge token |
Place an unused explorer onto the starting location of an island |
Perform all actions associated with a locked location |
Research any one specimen |